This package wraps the powerful and mature jQuery plugin for enhancing HTML tables.
The first time your run the example app it will take a minute or two to start, this is because the example is writing 100k documents to the Browsers collection as an example dataset. You can change this here.
$ git clone
$ cd meteor-jquery-datatables/example
$ mrt add jquery-datatables
$ meteor
$ git clone
$ cd meteor-jquery-datatables/example
$ mrt add jquery-datatables
$ meteor test-packages jquery-datatables
All you have to do is include the datatable component in one of your templates like so:
{{> dataTable
Then setup the data in your controller or as template helpers:
Template.dataSources.browsers = -> return {
columns: [{
title: "Engine"
data: "engine"
title: "Browser"
data: "browser"
title: "Platform"
data: "platform"
title: "Version"
data: "version"
title: "Grade"
data: "grade"
mRender: ( data, type, row ) ->
row ?= ""
switch row.grade
when "A" then return "<b>A</b>"
else return row.grade
title: "Created"
data: "createdAt"
mRender: ( data, type, row ) ->
row.createdAt ?= ""
if row.createdAt
return moment( row.createdAt ).fromNow()
else return row.createdAt
title: "Counter"
data: "counter"
# ## Subscription
# * the datatables publication providing the data on the server
subscription: "all_browsers"
# ## Query
# * the initial filter on the dataset
grade: "A"
On the server side, you need to publish the data:
if Meteor.isServer
DataTable.debug = "all";
DataTable.publish "all_browsers", Browsers
This package DOES NOT PROVIDE ANY STYLES OR ASSETS intentionally.
If you would like some help styling datatables you can check out my luma-ui
package or the official docs.